Support data to help
determine layout of instruments on the FISTA aircraft.
Instrument Layout FISTA
Station numbers, preliminary layout of instruments
(will be adjusted according to need of researchers):
Lower windows:
BASS mid-IR spectrometer R. Russell + D. Lynch
[01] - BASS spectrometer. Mounted on existing
mount platform. Existing port directly to outside.
Uses pointing camera in window number 2. Pre-installed instrument rack provided
by Aerospace Corp.
Bass pointing optical port
[02] - Existing mounting structure for coaligned camera,
12" optical window Zeoduror
"float glass". Heater.
Dust collection experiment F. Rietmeijer
[03] - Needs approved existing periscope assembly. No heater.
near-IR imaging InGaAs camera J. Kristl
[04] - Mounted in approved existing trainable eyeball assembly. Heater.
mid-IR slit-less spectrograph J. Peterson
[05] - In approved existing trainable eyeball assembly.
Flux, intensified cameras M. Koop
[06] - Stand alone cameras.
On existing ARFL struts as shown,
or on SETI-provided tripod, stored during takeoff/landing.
Needs 12" Zeoduror "float glass" optical glass window. Heater.
near-IR NICMOS array slit-less spectrograph B. Smith + K. Smith
[07] - NICMOS 1.0-2.5 micron array
Mounted on tripod. Needs BK7 window and heater.
Computer unit to be mounted in (HDTV camera) instrument rack.
Low res UV/VIS spectroscopy J. Borovicka
[08] - Intensified Camera on tripod. Needs Borosillicate/BK7 window.
Stored away during takeoff/landing. Heater.
Fabry Perot spectroscopy R. Rairden
[09] - Two intensified camera with UV optics and Fabry Perot
etalons. On tripod, stored for takeoff and landing,
optical window Borosillicate/BK7.
HDTV imager G. Merkes
[10] - HDTV camera. Needs zeodur window.
On tripod, stored away during takeoff and landing. Heater.
Upper windows:
MIRIS mid-IR 3-5.5 micron spectrometer G. Rossano + Daryl L. Kim
[11] - MIRIS
spectrometer. Mounted on approved trainable
eyeball assembly.
Needs AFRL eyeball window with ZnSe mid-IR transparent window.
Needs 2 AFRL support struts. Heater.
Pre-installed instrument rack provided by Aerospace Corp.
CCD imager G. Rossano
[12] - Mounted on existing trainable eyeball assembly. Needs optical window. Heater.
near-IR imaging InGaAs camera J. Kristl
[13] - Mounted in approved existing trainable eyeball assembly.
Needs Heater.
Bomem near-IR Michelson spectrometer J. Kristl
[14] - Bomem spectrometer, mounted on existing trainable
eyeball assembly. Heater.
mid-IR imager J. Peterson
[15] - Mounted in approved existing trainable eyeball assembly. Heater.
Flux, intensified cameras M. Koop
[16] - Stand alone cameras.
Needs zeodur
optical glass window. On support struts (using AFRL struts) or on SETI
provided tripod. Stored for takeoff and landing. Heater.
UV I-HDTV camera S. Abe+Kasugo
[17] - Mounted on tripod (or existing small AFRL tray with two support struts).
Needs UV-transparent optical window
Fused Quartz. Recorder and monitor in instrument rack. Heater.
All-sky camera M. Koop
[18] - All sky camera on tripd (or in existing AFRL mini-tray with
two struts). AFRL plastic dome that is sensitive to window frost. Two heaters.
Lightcurves I. Murray
[19] - Co-aligned optical cameras.
On tripods, stored for takeoff and landing. Needs BK7 windows. Heater.
BETSY spectrograph G. Merkes+M. Koop
[20] - BETSY spectrograph. Mounted using two
AFRL struts. Stored during takeoff and landing. Needs optical flat window,
zeodur. Heater.